
If you don’t know where you going … all roads lead there 

I believe one of the biggest problems business owners face today is the fact that they don’t have a compelling vision of their business and life.

They don’t have clearly defined goals. They do not have clear direction… your vision

To get anywhere in Life or business you must have a vision, a vision is to have a goal, a place where you want to go. Until you know what you want, you can NEVER achieve success.

Have you ever tried to put together a jigsaw puzzle without having seen the picture of what it represents? It is very difficult. That is what happens when you try to put your life and business together without knowing your outcome. It is hard to succeed or hit the target when you do not know what it is?

Research shows that 95% – 97% of the people in the world do NOT have written goals and fail, while only 3-5% has written goals and succeed

People with goals succeed because they know where they are going, is that simple and when you know where you are going ….. you get there.

This is one of the Keys to success

People who have succeeded in sports, business or life, in general, have learned about the power of goal setting

Without goal setting and planning you are leaving your future to chance

So if you have  a clear vision for your Business and life great, if not

Here are 7 steps for successful goal setting

1. Decide exactly what you really want (When you write your goal you make sure  it is written as now in the present tense in positive language and be as specific as  possible .Too often people state what they don’t want to happen )

2. Write it down

3. Set a deadline

4. Make a list of everything you could do to achieve that goal

5. Organise that list into an action plan

6. Take action – inspiration is nothing without ACTION

7. Do something every day that brings you closer to your goal